Professional Bartending Schools of America

The San Franciso School of Bartending offers professional bartending classes in the greater San Francisco, California area.
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San FranciscoSchool of Bartending Local Job Placement Assistance

Our placement director will meet with each student to offer advice and to review current job openings each week.

Our Bartending School has job placement services available in over 90 locations accross the United States.

Local Job Placement Program:

Our campus offers local job placement assistance to all of our graduates. Upon graduation, the graduate may report to the job placement office for one-on-one job placement assistance. Our Job Placement Director works very hard to help each student find the job that they are looking for. Our schools have achieved a job placement rate of over 90% over the last five years.

Our placement director will work to determine what type of bar best suits the graduate and recommend positions from our current list of available jobs to the student. In addition, the placement director will critique resumes individually on an appointment basis.

Our job placement director is responsible for maintaining a current list of job openings for our students. Bar owners and managers regularly call our schools when they have an opening for a bartender. In addition, our staff makes regular calls to bars and restaurants to help them meet their staffing needs. Our services are free to bars and restaurants, and we work very hard to help them meet their staffing goals.

PBSA has placed its graduates at some of the area’s best bars and clubs. Feel free to view pictures of our working graduates at our training facility or review our job board to what jobs are presently available to our grads.

Whether you want to work at a friendly neighborhood bar where everyone knows your name, or the fanciest hot spot downtown, we'll try hard to find the right bar for you. Our job placement director takes a personal interest in each student while they are in our school and understands that each student has different needs.

On-line Job Placement Program:

Our campus offers online job placement assistance to all of its graduates. Each graduate is given a username and password to our online job database. This password protected site may be checked at any time of the day from any computer, at the student's convenience.

Our Job Placement Director is responsible for entering the current list of job openings into our database system. The database is updated each day as more jobs are added and existing ones are filled.

This new program is one of our most popular additions. Students rave about the convenience and time savings of this program.

Copyright 2005 Professional Bartending Schools of America